In the last weeks heavy rains affected several areas of South America (see the last two weeks accumulation rainfall in the inset map), causing floods and river overflows (especially Paraguay and Paranà rivers) in Paraguay, Brazil and northern Argentina.
• Heavy rains affected parts of Colombia, causing floods in four municipalities of Alto Putumayo sub-region. As of 14 June, there were 4 085 people and 1 032 houses affected .
• In southern Brazil: at least 11 people were killed by floods in the state of Paranà and several thousands of people were displaced in Paranà and Santa Catarina states.
• In north-eastern Brazil: a landslide, triggered by the rains (Rio Grande do Norte) destroyed at least 25 houses in Natal and affected the electricity supply (media, as of 16 June).
• In the next 48 h more rains may still affect parts of southern and northern Brazil.
• In Paraguay, 31 837 families have been affected (as of 10 June); most of them in Ñeembucú (9 500), in Asunción (8 303), in Presidente Hayes (7 034) and in Alto Paraguay (5 000).
• In the next 24 h, more rain is expected to affect eastern Paraguay.
• According to media, flood alerts are still in place for River Paranà and 3 000 people have been evacuated, most of them in Chaco-Colombia Las Palmas areas. Thousands of people were also isolated in Misiones province.
• In the next 24 h isolated thunderstorms may affect northern Argentina.
**CHILE **
• Heavy rains affected several areas of Chile, causing floods. As of 15 June (ONEMI), there were: 1 658 homeless people, 7 720 people isolated in several villages, 12 houses destroyed and another 160 seriously damaged.
• On 16 June, more rainfall is expected in southern areas.
Sources: ECHO, GDACS, OCHA, Government of Paraguay, Government of Brazil, Dartmouth Flood Observatory, NOAA, WMO, INMET, ONEMI, CEMADEN, Media (1,2,3,4,5).